Sunday 2 April 2017

Survivor Day

Survivor Day Snapshot!

A Night At School

Quietly we eat our lollies, the light outside Rm 20 & 21 is still beaming in our faces.  
Suddenly out of nowhere a shadow appears outside of the tent, quickly we stop chewing and stay very quiet, the shadow starts moving very quickly away from the tent. Relieved we started chewing and swallowing our wine gums.

Every minute a shadow would appear outside of the tent and we would stop as fast as we could eating lollies, we were starting to get pretty good at that.

Suddenly a noise made me and Jack laugh super loud and eventually a teacher by the name of Ms Williams came by our tent and told us off. After that we stayed as quiet as we could but we still continued eating lollies.

Eventually we got to sleep at about something past twelve! It was fun staying the night at school and I can’t wait till next year to do it again.

By Kailash

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