Wednesday 5 April 2017

6 word stories

We wrote 6 word stories about bugs today.
These are my favourite!

“I would like to stretch today”

“I wonder what this plant is?”

Sunday 2 April 2017

Visual Mihi Blurb!

My Visual Mihi Blurb.

The two big koru represent my mum and my dad and the ones in the middle are me and my three brothers. The drawing of the bike is a BMX seeing as I am into BMX’s even though I haven’t got one myself. The Fishing rod with the fish at the hook is representing another one of my hobbies, fishing because I love going fishing. The NZ flag is representing I am a New Zealander I am also part Maori, the Maori comes from my Mum also Indian does as well. My dad is just NZ European. The Trampolining is another hobby that I love to do everyday. The Kind of curved one ach side and flat in the middle is a halfpipe or a skatepark, that represents ANOTHER one of my hobbies, scootering, scootering is kind of related to BMXing. There is also a picture of me on the Visual Mihi. Also Kapiti Island is something represents me seeing as it’s in Waikanae everyone in Waikanae has one of the best views of kapiti island if they stand on the beach. Mount Kailash is something that represents my culture seeing as I got named after the mountain. My koru design colours are: Mum: Red, Dad: Blue, Me: Yellow, Sachin 3rd Youngest Brother: Green, Iraia 2nd Youngest Brother: Orange, Maihi Youngest Brother: Purple.

Survivor Day

Survivor Day Snapshot!

A Night At School

Quietly we eat our lollies, the light outside Rm 20 & 21 is still beaming in our faces.  
Suddenly out of nowhere a shadow appears outside of the tent, quickly we stop chewing and stay very quiet, the shadow starts moving very quickly away from the tent. Relieved we started chewing and swallowing our wine gums.

Every minute a shadow would appear outside of the tent and we would stop as fast as we could eating lollies, we were starting to get pretty good at that.

Suddenly a noise made me and Jack laugh super loud and eventually a teacher by the name of Ms Williams came by our tent and told us off. After that we stayed as quiet as we could but we still continued eating lollies.

Eventually we got to sleep at about something past twelve! It was fun staying the night at school and I can’t wait till next year to do it again.

By Kailash

Inside My Head

Inside my head poem!

Holiday snapshot.

Holiday Snapshot

  • Travelled to auckland to then go to rainbow’s end.
  • Drove to Palmerston North to eat pizza and see Nitro Circus.
  • Had my 11th birthday
  • Spent christmas with family and friends
  • Stayed at my grandma’s for a week.
  • Went fishing with my brother and dad.
  • My friend ollie stayed the night of my birthday.

Rainbows End!
... Rainbows End #1 | by ...

In the holidays me and my family travelled to auckland to go to rainbows end. It was so fun. The Scariest ride for me would have had to be the fear fall. It felt like you had left your organs at the top of the fear fell. I could not breathe, my mum it felt like her heart was going to explode. She said she thought she was going to have a heart attack. My brother loved it. Also the gold rush was cool it was in a cave and when you came to a dead end it suddenly went dark and you turned a corner and went downhill. One of my favourites was the log floom especially the waterfall at the end.
We also went on the corkscrew rollercoaster which was fine to me. The only scary part was the loop when you went upside down. The First time I went on the rollercoaster I closed my eyes for the loop.

We also went on the invader which was fun as well.

That was mainly what happened at rainbows end.

Thanks for reading.

Learning style

This is my awesome learning style!

Wanted poster!

Check out my wanted poster.