Wednesday 6 September 2017

Speech Writing

Dogs are better than Cats.

I think dogs are better than cats and here are my reasons why I think that. By the way, people who love cats, there’s no need to worry because there are probably heaps of reasons on the internet why cats are better than dogs.

Dogs can easily be trained far better than cats. For example, you can easily teach dogs not to run away or even get the newspaper for you in the morning or whenever it is delivered. Some people can even teach them to do tricks, while cats will just sit there staring at you not wanting to do anything.

Another reason why dogs are far better than cats is because dogs could protect your house or you from strangers/burglars. For example, if someone you don’t know or someone is trying to steal something or trying to hurt someone, the dog will get in the intruders way and will bark at them to make them scared and for them to run away.  If necessary might even bite the intruder or attack them. If an intruder comes in and there is a cat sitting on the floor or on the couch it would ever stare at them and probably purr or not care about what they are doing, or even run away.

My third reason is that dog’s help you keep fit. Dogs normally want walks so they would beg you to take them for a walk and if you don’t they would probably start annoying you. Plus if you need to go down to the dairy or the supermarket or somewhere you need to go, you could walk the dog, if the place you need to go isn’t so far, so you wouldn’t have to drive the car and damage the environment by gas and fuel coming from the car. Normally cats would just sit down and not want to do anything except hide and adventure.

Dogs care about you. If you are down in the dumps or sad they will help cheer you up. For example, if you are having a rest because you are super sad they might come and jump up on your bed and lie next to you because they care about you. Cats, they really only care about getting fed and would probably jump on the end of your bed for a rest.

Finally I think dog’s help people. Dog’s help people a lot especially blind people. These dogs are called guide dogs, they are specially trained dog’s to help people get around when they are blind. Also they help people on farms, like rounding up sheep and all that. Dog’s also help sniff out things or people for the police.

So in conclusion, they are all my reasons on why I think dog’s are better than cats. But then if you are a cat lover, there’s probably heaps of websites about how cats are better than dogs so don’t worry.

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