Wednesday 6 September 2017

Sick Sentences

Sick sentences

The waves hit the ship: The crashing, splashing waves crash into the ship, causing a deafening snap.

It was a cold day: The icy cold water caused shivers all over the whales causing a very icy freezing cold day.
Sam and the skydivers held on to each other. They were high up. It was scary: Frightened, Sam and the other frightened skydivers gripped as tightly as possible onto each others hands. They were the highest they would ever go in the sky. They were very scared.  
The rider held on. His bike was going quickly over the ground. It was really dusty. He felt excited and scared: The frightened rider tightly gripped his handlebars. His big bike was zooming down the hill. The air was extremely dusty. The rider felt excited but also felt frightened.

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