Wednesday 31 May 2017

100 Word Story!

Success criteria
Use a variety of sentence beginnings
Use punctuation
Add adjectives and verbs
Use a variety of sentence lengths   
To help you:
Use the GREEN Edingly pyramid
Dictionary/Thesaurus to search for WOW words

I am trying to make my writing more exciting for the reader by varying my sentence beginnings and using descriptive language.

Words that are used in writing:
Orange- Orange
Wide -Blue
Crocodile- Green
Within- Yellow
Collapsed- Pink

The Door!

The wide door was right in front of me it was orange with a silver handle. I opened it and saw a lot of crocodiles swimming in some water, but there was one crocodile, and that crocodile was jumping off a trampoline into the water causing a big huge splash. Tick Tock went the crocodile, I ran screaming towards the orange door. There was only one problem the door was gone. What could have happened, I looked down and saw the door pieces on the floor. Suddenly I realised it must have collapsed. Within a moment I blacked out. Suddenly I woke up in a hospital.

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